Strike on May… Class in Summer…

May 25, 2010 Leave a comment

When the UPR strike Will end?
I don`t know

When classes begin?
When Strike end

When Strike end?
When negotation end

When negotation will end?
When all the problems get fixed…

When all the problems will be fixed?
Maybe in a month maybe in the summer or never……

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Journal May 12th

May 10, 2010 Leave a comment

Ribbit… BOOM!
Everybody in this world has a fear; there are common fears like the fear of the dark or strange fears like fear of water. Fears are mostly caused by a bad experience with something.  These bad experiences impact your life in the way that creates a fear. I have a fear; frogs are my fear. Yes, that little and slimy animal, but I do not get scared when I see a frog, they just disgust me.
A possible cause to this fear is one bad experience with the frogs. I live in a rural area of Aguas Buenas, where there are so many frogs. This bad experience happened when I had like 6 or 7 years old. I was with my grandmother in the river near my house and when I was going to the river a big frog jumped to me and scared me so much that I started to cry. I remember its skin was so cold and slimy; that is an unforgettable sensation.
My most horrible experience with the frogs was a day when my uncle was going to fill up his pool. He found a big frog in his pool when he was cleaning it, and he can not fill it with the frog in the pool. Someone told him that when you give a frog a cigarette it will explode. I was there when he try it; he put the cigarette in the mouth of the frog and we just waited like a minute and BOOM! The frog really exploded, that was so disgusting.
These two experiences impacted me and I believe that my fear to frogs came from this two bad experiences. When I see a frog, I remember these two experiences that cause a big disgust on me.

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Titus Andronicus

April 26, 2010 Leave a comment

The play Titus by William Shakespeare is a bloody and macabre movie adaptation that presents how far a person that wants vengeance can go to achieve it. In this play are a lot of characters that make the play interesting, but Titus Andronicus is my favorite character, which is also is the principal character. He is the typical man that thinks that he has control every time. He is a man with guts that’s always going forward; in the play this attribute makes him to be overconfident and underestimate his enemies. The enemy of Titus in the movie is Tamora, the queen of the Goths. She wants vengeance because Titus killed his eldest son. She is a manipulative woman that, like Titus, goes forward until is reached what she wants. Tamora is the type of enemy that wants to make her foes suffer the same or more that she suffered without considering consequences.
In the play there is another important woman, Lavinia, Titus daughter. This character is presented as an innocent woman that suffers the consequences of his father past actions. To make Titus suffer, his enemies attacked Lavinia and made her suffer worst punishment in earth. Chiron and Demetrius, sons of Tamora kills Lavinia´s lover and later rape Lavinia and cut off her hands and tongue. She was mutilated and humiliated. The enemies of Titus used her as a weapon to make Titus Andronicus suffer. With the support of his father and family she continued trying to live a life that for her no longer made sense.
Titus Andronicus flaw is that he gives too much to Rome. He brings power and later he is just betrayed by the emperor. He gave everything that he could to bring victory to Rome and what he recieves later is suffering for him and his family. After viewing and reading Shakespeare´s plays I think that a movie helps to understand more a play and is better because you are viewing it . Reading it has its pros because you can read and enjoy every detail that Shakespeare wrote. Finally a movie helps to understand a play and is a lot faster than reading it but if the purpose is to enjoy the play is better to  read it because reading it allows you to understand every detail of the play.

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Journal 2-The Yellow WallPaper

February 26, 2010 Leave a comment


1)      Several times at the begging of the story, the narrator says such things as “What is one to do? “ and “What can one do?“ What do this comments refer to? What, if anything, do they suggest about women’s roles at the time the time the story was written?

The comments of the narrator: “What is one to do?“ And“ What can one do?“ refers to the women’s resignation to their husbands  decisions in those times. She had her opinion; she thought that for her to feel better, she needed to feel free, active and free to express herself by writing. But she was resigned to follow his husband orders, she respected him so much.  She never question John about the decisions he took about her mental problems, even if she in her mind did not agree with the decisions of his Husband. Also, John`s Profession affected because he was a doctor and he should know what was better for her wife. In that time women’s was resigned to follow instructions of men’s. The actions that John took and his wife allows demonstrate a difference in our times and the time that the story was written.
2)      `It so hard to talk with john about my case because he is so wise and because he loves me so“  his wisdom is, to say the least, open to question, but what about his love?Do you think he suffers merely from a failure of perception, or is there a failure of affection as well?

I think that first John suffers from a failure of perception, he confused her wife`s necessities but unfortunately that he thought was not really the situation of her. John never treated her badly but he was so cold treated her like his patient or like if she was his daughter. I think that he loves her because he was there he was his husband and they had a child, never leave her with his mental problem, he tries to heal her but he just treat her like a patient. That was his problem that he stops treating her like his wife. He thought that he knew everything, but he does not know to difference between his wife and a patient. He had the intensions to help her, but he really was affecting her. Here comes the failure of affection he started to be like his father and forget that he was his husband he treated her like a child that was incapable to do anything.

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A Rose For Emily: Emily`s point of view

February 17, 2010 Leave a comment

Why? Why?  Why life was so cruel with me?  Why All the people that I love were taken away from me?  Why can’t I Blossom like a rose like most of the women in town? Is your fault Life, you ruined everything. I just wanted to be happy but life didn’t give me the chance. I hate you life!

Life was not fair with me, so to make it fair I used death and make this was possible with my dear friend arsenic. That’s right, it was me. I send my lover Homer Baron to the depths of death. This was the only choice I had to stay with him forever. He should have married me instead of leaving me here with my heart on my hands.  I felt obligated. He was not going to leave me alone like my father did. I would not allow it! As a Grierson I deserved to have him forever. Life tried to separate us but death joined us together. And now it’s Time, I can feel It. Finally death is coming for me.

I only had one loyal friend; the only reason that was worth living was Negro. He was so loyal, respectful and caring.   I have no regrets for my actions. I did not consider my action as a murder it’s only an action in the name of love.  I only can think of the day that death comes and takes me away from this suffering. But now it’s time to go. Death, take me in your hands. It’s time to go away from this unfair life.

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Cinderella’s Alternate Ending.

February 10, 2010 Leave a comment

Cinderella’s Alternate Ending.

Here is the realist version of Cinderella story….
After Cinderella escape from the castle the prince started searching for the real princess. He went to Cinderella’s house and knocks on the door and… Oohh! Cinderella opens the door. She was so dirty and the prince didn’t recognize her. He began to test the shoe on Cinderella because he didn’t imagine that the dirty girl was the beautiful girl in the party.  When Cinderella pulled up his dirty skirt and took off her shoe…. “Ohh my God“! said the Prince because Cinderella’s legs were so dirty and hairy. It was horrible; Cinderela has foot fungus… The prince decided not to let her try the shoe because that was horrible. Cinderella went again to her mother’s grave and she started to cry all day and night.
So the Prince let the stepsister try the shoe, the stepsisters go to the room with his mother and try the shoe and it didn’t fit to anyone of the stepsisters and the stepmother said to the first to cut their feet to fit in the shoe to be the princess; because as a princess does not needs to walk. The Two Sisters started to cut their foot to fit on the shoe but one cut to much and died for losing too much blood. The one that cut well her foot fitted on the shoe. Then the prince took her with him on his horse as his bride, and rode off. They had to pass by the grave, and there sat the two pigeons on the hazel bush, and cried,
The prince is wrong,
The prince is wrong,
That Foot is too long.
The Prince doesn’t hear the pigeons and continues the path to the castle. When he arrives the evil stem sister was death he found a lot of blood in her shoe. Cinderella went to the hazel bush and cried,

“Little tree, little tree, send a razor to me,
That silver razor may come down and shaves me.”
“Little tree, little tree, send a nail clipper to me,
That silver nail clipper may come down and cut my nails for free.”

Cinderella gets a good shaved and a good pedicure from the pigeons. They take one week to make that Cinderella’s legs look beautiful.   The Prince was so lonely and sad because he didn’t found the real woman that fits into the shoe. Cinderella dressed up well and went to the castle of the prince, and she found the prince crying, and said “ I’m here try the shoe   “ Im your Cinderella! “ The Prince was happy and quickly announces that he found the woman that will be married with him. With the two step sisters in hell and the bad stepmother going insane because his two daughters were dead, Cinderella and the Prince were happy for ever.

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Fable:A Disobedient Coqui

January 24, 2010 1 comment

A short time ago…

In a forest of Puerto Rico where living a family of “coquis“ they lived far away from the town. There were three members in the little house CoquiDad, CoquiMom and CoquiJon. CoquiJon is fifteen years old and he wants to go to the town to buy new clothes, CoquiDad says no to CoquiJon. He said: “No, wait until Sunday we are going to the Coquichurch on the town, just wait until Sunday.
But CoquiJon does not want to wait until Sunday and he called his best Coquifriend that was CoquiJavi.  He asked him if him if he was going to the town before Sunday CoquiJavi says yes “I’m going with my Coquibrother, Friday.  CoquiJon goes with them to the town. CoquiJavi and his brother took a shortcut to town. The shortcut was called “Tres Pasitos“, this was the fastest way to get to the town but it was a dangerous road. CoquiJon bought clothes and return to home using the same road.
The next day, it rained all day. Sunday the coquifamily prepare to go to Coquichurch. CoquiJon used the clothes he bought. Before they left for Coquichurch his father noticed he had new clothes and punished him for disobeinghim. CoquiJon tell his dad about the shortcut to town and he says that was a quicker way to get to town. They took the shortcut, but get lost because of bad weather. The Road was dirty and the path was blocked. CoquiJon also got his new clothes all dirty.
They had to return home and they con not make it in time to go to the church. CoquiJon learned a valuable lesson from his experience he leaned that disobeying and not being patient had bad consequences.  He will never do that again.

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The First Asingnment

January 22, 2010 3 comments

– I did´nt have Brothers or sisters

-I Love to broke my car

-Im 20 Years old

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Hello world!

January 21, 2010 Leave a comment

Welcome to This is your first post. Edit or delete it and start blogging!

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